Positively J.O.Y. - Just. One. Yes!
POSITIVELY JOY -- Finding joy from a Biblical perspective
Like a Motherless Child: Jessie Smith on George Floyd

Like a Motherless Child: Jessie Smith on George Floyd

Episode 15: In a special episode of Positively Joy: Journalism student Jessie Smith tells why the death of George Floyd affected him so deeply. They both are black men, and motherless. Smith's essay, "Like a Motherless Child: The Memory of George Floyd," can be found on Medium.

Editor's note: This conversation references difficult topics and uses language about racial injustice. However, it's important to tackle these topics, understand concerns across this nation, and continue down the path to seeking joy.

Positively J.O.Y. - Just. One. Yes!
POSITIVELY JOY -- Finding joy from a Biblical perspective
Are you searching for the light in a dark world? Here, you’ll find God in the everyday … through everyday blessings, everyday happiness and everyday sorrow. On the podcast and on the blog, we look for God in the commonplace, and we find joy in the details. We invite you to listen to updated episodes at www.positivelyjoy.com or wherever you listen to podcasts.