Positively J.O.Y. - Just. One. Yes!
POSITIVELY JOY -- Finding joy from a Biblical perspective
Enneagrams translated: Amy Wicks shows how this personality test helps unpack our baggage

Enneagrams translated: Amy Wicks shows how this personality test helps unpack our baggage

Season 3, episode 5: Amy Wicks of Simply Wholehearted is a certified Enneagrams coach and helps Christians learn more about themselves to become better-functioning people at home, at work and even at church! I'm a 3-wing-2. Don't know that that means? Listen!

Positively J.O.Y. - Just. One. Yes!
POSITIVELY JOY -- Finding joy from a Biblical perspective
Are you searching for the light in a dark world? Here, you’ll find God in the everyday … through everyday blessings, everyday happiness and everyday sorrow. On the podcast and on the blog, we look for God in the commonplace, and we find joy in the details. We invite you to listen to updated episodes at www.positivelyjoy.com or wherever you listen to podcasts.